My Very Own, My Family

Monday, August 15, 2005

The Joys of Pregnancy

For nine months, you will be carrying a precious being in your womb. The baby you are carrying is constantly growing. Here is how the fetus develops for the next nine months:

1st Month
The fertilized egg begins to divide. It then implants itself to the wals of the uterus. The fetus' vital organs, including the heart, begin to form.

2nd Month
Your fetus is now approximately 2.5 cm long and has a weight of less than 30 grams. He has a large brain. His heart is already fully developed. Fingers, toes and ears all begin to form.

3rd Month
The baby is now about 6 cm. to 7 cm. in length. All the vital organs are fully developed. Rapid growth development begin. Bones start to form and hair appears. Sex organns also begin to form. There are some spontaneous movement already.

4th Month
Your baby is now about 12 cm. long and weighs about 110g. The genitals are finally formed. first movement are felt during this time.

5th Month
The baby now weighs 300g. More hair grows. His heartbeat can now be heard through a stethoscope.

6th Month
The baby already has a large head and skin begins to wrinkle. He now weighs around 630g. Eyebrows and eyelashes start to appear. Baby is now fully developed and start to breathe.

7th Month
A white waxy material called " vernix caseosa" now covers the baby. He now measures between 25 cm. to 28 cm. and weighs between 1100g to 1800g. if born prematurely, your baby has a good chance of surviving.

8th Month
Baby begins to store fat giving him soft and cuddly look. He now has a weight of 2500g. and measures about 32 cm. long.

9th Month
Your baby is finally developed. Weighs around 3400g and measures 36 cm. long. Baby is now able to feel, taste and smell a little but still not sensitive enough to light and pain. Your baby's births is now at hand.

Posted by dharl :: Monday, August 15, 2005 :: 0 Shouts:

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