My Very Own, My Family
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Now, what is a Lifemother ?
Lifemother is another name for birthmother. Some prefer firstmother, many are fine with birthmother, some go by natural mother, but I am quite comfy with Lifemother. In my everyday lingo--as well as in my writing--I stick to birthmother so I don't cause confusion. I suppose this is my place to let my hair down! You're more than welcome to let yours down too! :o)You see, I believe that God is the creator of all life, but somehow, the term birthmother did not feel right to me, I believe I did more than give birth to my daugther . . . . .
so why be stuck with a title that only accredits me to giving birth?
Posted by dharl ::
Tuesday, May 31, 2005 ::
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Monday, May 30, 2005
The Miracle of Life
It seems almost impossible how two tiny cells, united as one, could produce a special new being--- your baby.The journey from conception to birth almost three-fourths of a year. You embark on this most challenging yet deeply rewarding of human experience.Each birth is an individual occasion of mystery. Your current pregnancy will be an experience unique from that of your friends', your sisters', or even your own previous pregnancy. Only you and your doctor will know what is the best for you and your baby with regards to this pregnancy.

Posted by dharl ::
Monday, May 30, 2005 ::
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