My Very Own, My Family
Thursday, June 23, 2005
Excuse This House
Some houses try to hide the fact, That children shelter there;
Ours boasts of it quite openly, The signs are everywhere.
For smears are on the windows, Little smudges on the doors;
I should apologize, I guess, For toys strewn on the floor.
But I sat down with the children, And we played and laughed and read;
And if the doorbell doesn't shine, Their eyes will shine instead.
For when at times I'm forced to choose,The one job or the other;
I'd like to cook and clean and scrub,But first I'll be a mother.
Posted by dharl ::
Thursday, June 23, 2005 ::
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Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Our Very Own Princess

Our darling is turning two this coming September 1, 2005 and she is very pretty and smart.... at first glimpse , she looks so fragile but we were so happy and very proud and ofcourse thankful to have her. Our hearts burst with love , joy and happiness the time God gave her to us . . . . . Our princess Jemina . . . . mom and dad loves you so much ...
Posted by dharl ::
Wednesday, June 22, 2005 ::
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