My Very Own, My Family
Friday, September 23, 2005
Its a GIRL !!!

Early this morning we went to the hospital to have my ultra sound to know the gender of my second baby... me and my husband were really excited and we both wanted that our baby is a boy. When I am in the clinic my heart keeps on beating so fast I don't know why maybe im afraid to know what is the gender of our baby. The sonologist starts scanning my tummy and my hubby is seriously staring the monitor as if he knows how to read it... ( hahahaha ) and she told us that our baby is a 100% GIRL ! I saw my husband bowed down his head but he smiled at me and told me that its ok the important thing is she's alive and the result of the ultrasound and our medical health are normal. We're really thankful to GOD becuase he gave us another beautiful gift again.
Posted by dharl ::
Friday, September 23, 2005 ::
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Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Flower Girl
Last September 17, 2005, my sweet daughter became a flower girl to my officemate's wedding. Me and her dad are very excited about it and nervious that she might not walk the aisle properly but surprisingly, she did .... and she looks very pretty in her old rose gown. Everybody is staring at her because she is the smallest flower girl but, very focus while walking... hmm ..... When picture taking comes, I am very afraid that my daughter may not participate since she is very "makulit" and love to walk but amazingly, she participates well and really love to pose and I am very happy and surprise about it ( like mother like daughter ) . See, just take a look at her posing attitude
Posted by dharl ::
Wednesday, September 21, 2005 ::
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Sunday, September 04, 2005
Hardwork !!!!
Always give your 100% at work

Posted by dharl ::
Sunday, September 04, 2005 ::
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Thursday, September 01, 2005
Jemina's 2nd Birthday

Two years ago, September 1, 2003, a little angel blessed our lives. We named her JEMINA RYLIE. In the past years, she has learned so much, how to talk, how to drink from a cup, feed herself, crawl, walk, laugh and love and very pretty. Now, that she is a toddler, we are really proud of her... we love you our dear angel and our princess..
We celebrate your birthday today
but having someone who is fun loving
and as thoughtful as you in our lives
gives us reason to celebrate everyday
We’re wishing you happiness
And hoping all your dreams come true
Posted by dharl ::
Thursday, September 01, 2005 ::
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